RK Summer Challenge
On Wednesday 23rd May, Run Knutsford will hold the annual Summer Challenge. Meeting at The Moor at 7.30pm, there will be three groups -...
Regional Charity Launches to Help Women Escaping Domestic Violence
For the vast majority of us, access to general hygiene products, such as shampoo, shower gel, deodorant, is taken for granted - but for...
Join the Run Knutsford Strava club
Strava is the Swedish word for “strive,” and at Run Knutsford we're always striving to reach a milestone and motivate ourselves through...
Couch to 5k...and beyond
There I am. An all too familiar scene. I realize it has crept up on me, without really noticing. Sure, the classic 'my jeans must have...
A trail marathon with a purpose
Looking for an inspirational run in 2018? Looking for a unique run in a stunning location? The Great Buddhist Master trail Marathon in...
Join us in the New Year!
Ah, the start of a new year, that wonderful optimism you have after a couple of weeks of excess– less drinking, less eating, more...
Running off that turkey...
Run Knutsford will resume on Wednesday 3rd January at 7.30pm. Ready for a new year of challenges and fun! However, if you fancy getting...
Tatton Park 10k 2018
In 2018 the Tatton 10k will take a further stride and have organised a run once per month, in our beautiful Tatton Park. According to...
Read all about it!
As the club has reached a few milestones in the past few weeks and has surpassed all our expectations, we thought we'd like to share the...
And I can "run" 1000 miles....
At the start of 2017 I had a moment of madness where I decided to sign up to Trail Magazine’s 1000 miles in a year challenge. Each year...